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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Speed Up My Computer Part3

Increase computer speed with my computer
Now I am teaching you how do i speed up my computer speed yet i am sharing you a unique trick which through you can very fast your computer speed as you know that in previous post i have told you how to increase computer speed.Today I am sharing a unique trick with you which through you can fast your computer speed. First go to to run command and type "tree" and press enter your computer and ram will refresh now you need to a software CCleaner which through you can delete junks and temporary files and your Pc will Fast.

What is CCleaner

CCleaner is  a software which through you can high your computer speed. Through ccleaner you can protect your privacy it clean temporary and junks file and browsing history.

CCleaner protect your Pc

   It increase your confidence level to become a best internet user.Do you know that through ccleaner you can clean unnecessary files from your computer and save your hard disk space. I recommend you use ccleaner software and remove un wanted files from your computer and fast you computer speed.

 Now i am sure you will get real knowledge to this post If you have any question you should ask me in the comment within 24 hours you'll get answer of you question.


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