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Saturday, April 18, 2015

How To Create New Gmail Account part1

Today we will learn how to create new gmail  account. As we know we know that if we want to use Facebook  then we must have a Facebook account. When we sin up for facebook where we need Gmail ,MSN, or Yahoo account. Today in this post you can completely understand that how we can create new gmail account. Now you can see the pic of gmail sin up page.

 You can see first give your first name last name  then choose your gmail  user name etc... Ambreen124 princess Aleeza Neha Shaikh then choose you password and again confirm your password then choose you date of birth and you gender.

Now write your cell number for verification then check then box and check the box and click on next step i hope so now you have learned how to create new gmail account. Below you can watch the video.

 I hope after watching the complete post you can easily create new gmail account. If you face any difficulty you can ask me in the comment.  

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